William Cheung and Eric Oram Wing Chun

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William Cheung and Eric Oram

William Cheung and Eric Oram have trained together for multiple years. In fact, Eric is William's student. eric's father sent him to train under Master Cheung in 1980.

William Cheung

W.Cheung is a chinese martial artist and a famous Wing Chun Master. As well as that, he is the Grandmaster of TWC - Traditional Wing Chun.
Born in 1940, he grew up in Kowloon, in Hong Kong.
Consequently, in 1954 at the age of 14, he meets with Ip Man.
Next he trains with Ip man for almost 4 years and since then Wing Chun becomes his main interest in terms of practice and studies.
Five years later he moves in Canberra, Australia and attends National Australian University to study Economy. During this period he founds the first Wing Chun Fan Club at this university.
Later on in 1973 he establishes his first Wing Chun school in Melbourne, Australia.
Finally in 1976 he becomes the president of Australian Kung Fu Federation.

We have already talked about William regarding the famous fight he had with Emin Boztepe in which he was involved. You can find the article about this topic here.

Eric Oram

Born in 1969, Eric is a Wing Chun practitioner and film choreographer. He introduced a new way of filming fight scenes in the film Sherlock Holmes: Game of shadows. See the entire article with scene from the film here.
He made the actors fight with real strikes and attacks in order to feature then the scenes in slow motion.
Eric's father sent him to train under William Cheung in 1980. He then started to teach at the age of 16. Nowadays it's more than 25 years during which he tought Wing Chun to famous actors and athletes such as Robert Downey Jr. (star from Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man and so on..), Christian Bale (Batman begins trilogy), Jake Gyllenhaal and many others. Above all he has been the fight choreographer for major Hollywood movies for Warner Bros and Marvel.
He currently has a school at Santa Monica, in California (CA).

Eric Oram and Robert Downey Jr.

However to the public Eric is very famous for having trained Robert Downey Jr. since 2003. Robert himself stated that Eric was instrumental in helping him recover from his drugs addiciton.

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Molly Whitman
Awsome read! William Cheung and Eric Oram schooling us in Wing Chun like nobody’s business. Can't wit to train under these legends!

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Molly Harrison
Definitely a riveting read! William Cheung and Eric Oram are the shimmering stars in the Win Chun universe. Few typos though - have we been practicing the One-Inch punch on our keyboard? πŸ˜‰

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Tommy Laughter
Wow, the synergy between William Cheung and Eric Oram is electrifying! Their Wing Chun moves are as smoth as butter on a hot day. Totally captivating!

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Samantha Brooks
Gotta say, this blog post gave me a high "fly-kick" of knowledge! William Cheung and Eric Oram's Wing Chun ain't for the wishy-washy. Keep these "punchy" articles coming, pal!

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Oliver Brennan
William Cheung and Eric Oram took Wing Chun to a whole nother level! I mean, their techniques? Whip sharp, like a noodle in a windstorm. Keep it up!

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