The Karate Kid Cast: Then and Now (11 Years After)

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You will see how actors of the movie The Karate Kid have changed. and you will know their original names and age.
Let us sho you how they looked then and what's with them now, in 2021.

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Liam Patterson
Wow, talk about a blast from 'the past! It's nice seeing the Karate Kid cast again. Age has sure added grace to their kicks! πŸ˜… Still holding out hope for Mr. Miyagi's youthful hair though.

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Fredrick Laughlin
Wow, talk about a blast from the past! It's wild to see how much the cast has changed, yet they still seem to carry that karate "kick" in them! πŸ˜„

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Bobby Laughter
Wow, talk about a trip down memory lane! Didn't know Daniel-san aged like fine wine and Johnny's still got that killer smirk, huh? 11 years and we're still kickin'. Oops! I meant, kicking!

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Bobby Laughter
Wow, 11 years flew by like Mr. Miyagi's swatting flies! Great to see the crew's glow-ups, especially Jaden - seems like his acting chops and haircuts matured equally!

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Benjamin Swift
Wow, time flies when you're karate-chopping! It's amazing to see how much The Karate Kid stars have grouwn. Keep bringing the crane kick magic!

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