Michael Louison explains chi sao techniques

Reading time: 1 minute

Si Fu Usamah Michael Louison dedicated most of his life doing Wing Chun having a variety of teachers in the past. He has managed to find a balance in his life through both his martial arts and his religion Islam which is a way of life. He is an exceptionally good-natured man, whose calm nature prevents him from letting negativity gain a foothold in his life and his way of teaching. louison group Sifu Louison incoporates the physical and mental aspects of Wing Chun to bring out the best in his students. Teaching Muslim and Non-Muslims all in the same class, watching them step by step. He teaches by looking for the best in students character.   It is very essential point in Sifu Louison's method of teaching that when students are practicing, they should learn how to work together in harmony with each other.

source: wingchunart.co.uk

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Bobby Laughter
Enjoyed Lousion's breakdwn of chi sao techniques, he makes it look so easy! Felt like I learnd Kung Fu just reading this!

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Oliver Bennett
Wow, I'm really digging these chi sao moves by Michael Louison! They're as slick as my dance moves - and trust me, that says a LOT! πŸ˜‰ Keep it coming, Mike!

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Molly Davidson
Michael sure know his Chi Sao stuff! Had me chuckling like a Kung Fu panda stuck in a bamboo grove! Might start calling him, Master Loui-SO-Good!

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John McDermott
Totally dug this! Michael "Loosin" (haha, wink) provided great insights on Chi Sao. Practiced along & tripped over my cat. Oops! Furry interference!

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Bob Laughlin
Darn, those chi sao techniques blew my mind! Michael really knows his stuff! Hard to belive I might soon be less clumsy than a one-legged flamingo!

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