Today we are going to give a look at a very interesting sparring match: Wing Chun vs MMA & Krav Maga.
It is an organized match between different styles so everybody can study their movements. A "friendly" study match, even though these guys are not joking.
This video was uploaded by Fight Commentary Breakdowns on his Youtube Channel. Be sure to check his channel since he always uploads good-quality stuff. And you can find a set of different interesting fights too.
So, as you can notice, the video is divided into two main sections: MMA & Krav Maga fights. If you're only interested in the second part, you can skip directly to minute 4:44. Although I would recommend watching it all since you could find some good study material.
It is an organized sparring match between these 3 practitioners. We don't know many details about any of them, but it seems like they have been practising for a while.
So, let's give a look at both matches, shall we?
What is actually very refreshing about this sparring match is how the Wing Chun practitioner handled the difficulties.
Just after few seconds from the start the fight goes to the ground after the MMA practitioner applies a double takedown. A lot of things have been said about WIng Chun and the problems when it comes to grappling and ground fighting. But, this guy isn't completely unprepared. It is not quite sure rather if he has some BJJ background or not. Sure thing is, he manages the ground situation quite nicely.
As the narrator often repeats "the Wing Chun guy has good instincts" - and it's true!
He uses his legs when grounded, manages to keep a good guard and to strike some punches straight to the face.
Sure thing is that he learned a lot from this encounter and the experience will improve his skills.
In conclusion, the ultimate goal to such encounters should be the advancement, experience and study for both practitioners.
This has nothing to do with which style is better, please. It has to do with achieving experience and making room for improvement.
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