Wing Chun vs Combat Karate | MMA Streetfight | DFC

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Two martial arts with the same origins, the same roots, yet so different.
We are going to discuss that a little bit deeper, but first, enjoy today's news in the versus series: Wing Chun vs Combat Karate.

This video was uploaded by DEFEND Fight Club on their official YouTube Channel. Don't forget to check out their other content.

Wing Chun vs Combat Karate

Well, there are many things that differentiate these two martial arts. Having the same origins, their objective I'd say is the same. However, they fulfill their objective in two very different ways.
I will make you a list of the main differences that you can observe in the match above.
First things first, have you noticed how different their approach is? The karateka does not hesitate to attack from a larger distance, while the Wing Chun guy tends to come closer. In fact, karate is designed as a long-range distance martial art, while for Wing Chun the opposite is true.


wing chun vs karate full contact fight play

Even though the roots are in common, these two martial arts differ drastically.
Another difference that you can notice is how punches are struck differently. It's a very detailed thing to notice, I know, but there is a difference.
Karatekas extend the whole arm in order to punch and the rotation of the fist is made during the movement. The punch then results in horizontal.
Wing Chun, on the other hand, does not extend the whole arm to the punch, but rather only the forearm, and the punch lands vertically. The reason behind such a punch it's very practical and gives space for reflection on another difference between these two.
The punch in Wing Chun follows the above-described movement in order to be ready to strike another one, and pretty quickly also. You do not want to leave the punch to the mercé of your opponent.
Karate, on the contrary, wants to knockout its opponent with one strike.


kung fu vs karate

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Oliver Keegan
Haha, nothig like a good ol' Wing Chun vs. Combat Karate tussle! Raw power vs. pure finesse is always exciting to watch! DFC seure knows how to entertain!

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Molly Pennington
Well, talk about intense! This Wing Chun vs Combat Karate showdown was super exciting. Can't decide who rocked more - karate really gave those punches a real 'Rickie-ticki-tavi'!

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Billy Dunmore
Whoa, those Wing Chun techniques were off the charts! But let's give some creds to Combat Karate too! Might just have to swap my potbelly for a gi! #MartialArtsFiesta!

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Mike Chuckleson
It's awesome to see two diffrnt martial arts lock horns! As a Karate practitioner, I resect Wing Chun but gotta side with my team here. Karate all the way! πŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺ #TeamKarate

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Maxwell Brightman
Loving the high-energy combat here! Though personally, I'm more of a "wing the Chun dip & dodge" than a "karate chop-chop" kind a guy. But hey, keep the punchy action flowing!

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