In the movie, he lost to Donnie Yen, but he is a Wing Chun master

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Hello friends. Martial artist Chris Collins was born in 1974 in America. He is a Marine Corps veteran with a passion for martial arts, which will lead him to Hong Kong where Chris Collins would later earn the title of Wing Chun master.

This video was uploaded by Old Combat Cinema on their official YouTube Channel. Do, don't forget to check them out!
The following article is the transcript of the video above.

As a child, his father began boxing with him and at that time Chris was about five years old. They continued training when they moved to Pensacola, Florida, to the famed Roy Jones Jr Gym. Chris also started wrestling at school and from there in the early 90s,' he moved to the popular Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He was first introduced to the Wing Chun style when he was in the Marine Corps and it all happened by chance. Chris served in California and many of the servicemen traveled to Yosemite on the weekends.

There he saw a little seventy-year-old Chinese man who was practicing an unusual style of Kung Fu on the street. During another trip, Chris approached him and asked what kind of martial arts he practices. The old man immediately told him that it was Wing Chun. He didn't know much about the style at the time, but the old man mentioned Bruce Lee's training with Ip Man and Chris immediately became interested in it all. He asked if he could train with him, but the old man replied that he was not good enough and that if he really wanted to learn the essence of Wing Chun, then Chris needs to go to Hong Kong.

Ip Man 4 the finale

At that time, he was preparing to enter the school of snipers, and by that time he wanted to focus on close hand-to-hand combat. So in the end he managed to get to Hong Kong. There he searched all the schools in this direction and found the one that was considered the best and Chris has been studying in it for the last 22 years. On this, Chris' journey to the Far East was just beginning and soon he started training film actors, as well as staging fights and stunts in Hong Kong action movies. Chris' skill in this area will later allow him to be on the other side of the camera. After filming the third part of the Star of Destiny, he will appear in the fourth film about Ip Man, the plot of which uses elements of his real military past.

Fully immersed in work on the fourth "Ip Man" and being involved in the project, Chris worked with Donnie Yen and Scott Adkins. It was an amazing experience for Chris. This is the second time he has worked with Scott Adkins since they previously starred together in War of the Wolves. Chris met Donnie Yen for the first time and, of course, from childhood, he was one of his idols, as well as the person he always looked up to. So the opportunity to work with Donnie was just a dream.

Chri Collins Wing Chun master

The fight between them was very spectacular and technically difficult, but the actors are real masters and therefore did not receive any special injuries during filming. Thanks to this film, Chris became very popular and is currently acting in other films of this genre. He is also often invited as a director of combat scenes. At the moment, Chris continues his film career and teaches at a martial arts school. And that's why we consider Chris Collins a Wing Chun Master. We wish him success in his endeavors.

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Wow I didn't expect that, though can a random man have such an opportunity, and what's the name of Chris es school, I'm a martial artist aswell I do shotokan karate but I have a very big interest in different arts.

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Tommy Laughlin
Just goes to show you, even the mightiest Wing Chun master can have an 'oopsie daisy' moment against Donnie Yen in the movies! Happens to the best of us! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Samuel Lighthart
Even if he came second to Donnie, I got mad respect for anyone who's mastered Wing Chun! And remember, there's no harm in losing to the best! Can't wait for a rematch!" (Note: No typos introduced according to the assigned probability, and the sentiment is positive following the 0.7 probability.

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Bob Lightfoot
Oh wow, everyone's a winner baby, that's the truth! Even if he lost to Donnie Yen in the flick, he's still a Wing Chun champ in real life! Maybe next film, he woops his ass? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŽฌ๐Ÿฅ‹

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Nick Thompson
Well, it's pretty impressive that even though he didn't put Donnie Yen in a checkmate in the movie, he's actually a Wing Chun prodigy! Guess it's all about the plot twist, huh? By the way, anyone else think they might do better with some popcorn training?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Oliver Jackson
Yikes, talk about serving up some martial arts "reel"ness! The master got schooled on screen, but he probably gives Yen a run for his money on the actual dojo floor. #ChopSocked!

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