Chuck Norris: I Know How Bruce Lee Really Died

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Just as it happens with every iconic person who leaves us unexpectedly, many rumors start to surround the event. Chuck Norris addresses this issue and, in an interview, clarifies how Bruce Lee died.

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Chuck Norris Interview

In the interview, Chuck Norris remembers when he was introduced to Bruce Lee. Bruce was already a celebrity because he was involved in the shooting of the "Green Hornet" series.

They were both staying at the same Hotel, the Americana, in New York. They started walking over to the hotel. Bruce was staying on the 7th floor while Chuck was on the 9th.

bruce lee and chuck norris

They took the same elevator and when they arrive at Bruce's floor, they were really getting pretty involved in their conversation. After that conversation in the elevator, they start talking at 11 and, after several hours, Chuck noticed that his watch marked 7 o'clock the next morning.

How Bruce Lee really died

Working out Together

Official Apology Video from Chuck Norris to Bruce Lee

So, Bruce said "well, when we get back to Los Angeles, why don't we start working out together?" which they later did. When Chuck got back, they started training together, and then, when the series was canceled, Bruce Lee went to Hong Kong to pursue a movie career.

Bruce's move to Hong Kong was a great move for his career because his first movie was the biggest-grossing movie in Asia. Before Bruce went over there was The Sound of Music, he had a gross of 2.4 million dollars which again, was the biggest movie ever grossed in the Orient.

Bruce did the first movie called the Big Boss, which over here was the Fist of Fury, and that one grows 3.2 million which is 800 000 More Than The Sound of Music. Then, he did the Fist of Fury, which over here was called the Chinese Connection, and that one grows 4.3 million dollars.

Forge your path in martial arts through dedicated practice, guided by the teachings in our e-book, which includes detailed descriptions of Wing Chun forms and exercises.

Doing a Movie Together

bruce called Chuck and said he'd like to do a movie with a really good fight scene in the movie. At this point, Chuck said, "well, the only way we can have a fight scene is, you know if I get to hit you once in a while".

And Bruce answers, "well yeah, naturally, you know, we'd make it a back-and-forth type fight". So anyway, that fight scene that you saw took them 5 days to do, and in Asia Alone the movie grossed over 11 million dollars. It's the biggest-grossing movie in the history of Asia, and they don't think anything will surpass it for a long time.

Then, Bruce naturally did Enter the Dragon which was his last movie, and it was probably the biggest-grossing movie as far as martial art movies go. But, Bruce's, you know, was 32 years old.

Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris

How Bruce Lee really died

When Chuck has to explain something about Bruce's death, he seems to be concerned about the rumors. Rumors are going on about how he passed away. And so forth of a touch of death and drugs, and so forth. Bruce in 1968, well you know, he's pretty heavy in the weightlifting.

As you could tell, he was very well-built. He was lifting weights one night with Kareem Jabar, who was a student of his when he was in Los Angeles, playing at UCLA. And he tried to lift too many, too heavy weights and he ruptured the discs in his back.

He was laid up in the hospital for 3 weeks. In fact, the doctor said that they didn't know if he'd be able to walk again or not. But of course, with a person like Bruce who's got the drive and determination to achieve anything in life, he was up in about a month.

And within three months, he was as strong as he never was. But he had constant back pains from that day on, and he had to take medication to keep the muscles in the back loose and relaxed.

So, What Happened?

So, what happened is that, when he was in Hong Kong preparing for his next movie, he was working with a girl named Betty, who was going to co-star with him. He got a severe headache, so Betty gave him some antibiotics for the headache.

The medication he was taking for his back and the medication he had taken for his headache, reacted with each other and made his brain swell up and creating an aneurysm. And that's actually what happened, so if anyone asked you what happened, you can tell them the true story.

Bruce Lee's discipline and mastery live on. Embrace his dedication with our e-book, a practical guide to self-defense, and Wing Chun's rich history, featuring content on handling multiple opponents and more.

This video was uploaded by Beerdy - Bruce Lee Central on their official YouTube channel. So, don't forget to check them out!

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Kirk Cloud
Incredible loss πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

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That makes sense. I agree πŸ‘

Reply to Kent


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Mamadou Youssouf Mara
Que son Γ’me repose en paix

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Emil Fiore
Why would he lie?

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Alexander SUN
It really amazing to hear first hand the fact from great legend Chhuck Norris after 50 years of not being sure how Bruce Lee died.

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Gerald Azzopardi
Sorry, antibiotics for a headache? Story sounds like it's full of holes.

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Alexander Fraser
@Alexander SUN I believe that what happened to, I believe chuck norris and I miss him so much, RIP u will always be missed so much bruce lee, I just wish you where celebrating your birthday here with use, ur friend Alexander Fraser, love you lots mate.

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Руслан ƏhmΙ™dzadΙ™
I'm not sure

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Jesus Perez
Wish Bruce was still here Alive

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Emmanuel Dankyi
@Alexander Fraser I did not see Bruce Lee, buh I hv watched his movie on serveral occasions. And I really love him

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Woaw thanks for the true story

Reply to OB


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Bruce Lee was one of my very best martial artists. Man I wish he was alive. RIP Legend. Legendary Chuck Norris is one I respect so much and like as well. Thanks for the true story. Makes sense. I'm even more sad how his son, Brandon Lee what a world. But now they meet in the after-life. Wish them a peaceful after-life, though πŸ™πŸΏ

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Nadir khan
Drug reaction can not anurysm in such short time antibiotic is not used for pain or its not pain killer its used for infective diseases

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@Jesus Perez,,,yes,yes,yes😰😰😰

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Thank you.

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Since I was born today I have knew what led to the death of my star Bruce Lee

Reply to Elija


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Kashif Riaz
I heard he was shot at set

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This news isn’t new!! 🀦

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Olaide Wasiu
That's true I can imagine... thanks Mr chuks

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Charles Swan
Bruce Lee was the Greatest an he still is in my mind

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Olivier Fratacci
Thanks for having told the truth about Bruce's death. Indeed there are so many rumors...

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This makes sense alot of sense honestly, he was goin to hard on himself

Reply to Clemence


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William Truesdale
It wasn't an antibiotic that killed Bruce lee, he had taken Equagesic which contained asprin due to a severe headache which Betty ting pei had given him causing an allergic reaction it was this that caused the cerebral edema. Around 3.000people die each year from taking asprin, In 1973 bruce lee was 1 of the 3.000 RIP Legend.

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And what about Brandon Lee?

Reply to Andy


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Well, Chuck thanks for the update; newspapers never revealed the truth about Bruce Lee's death.

Reply to Oscar


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Chuck and Lee

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Neil Edmonds
Antibiotics for a headache? Why? πŸ€”

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Rajah Murugaiah
That probably would be the cause β€” aneurysm, caused by reaction to mediations that he took on that fatal day.

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In my mind Bruce Lee was my best friend and in my mind we were just as equal in marital art. It hurt to hear and see a great young man life was shorten. I love all his movies, I hope his legacy will continue from generations to generations to generations. RIP BLβœŠπŸΎβœŠπŸΎπŸ€œπŸ½πŸ€›πŸ½

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Mark Golin
Thank you Mr. Norris for confirming the truth about Bruce Lee’s early death.

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Eish life is too short tnx for sharing chuck πŸ˜­πŸ™

Reply to Marandi


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Eric Cavey
This could be true about the animalism the only true people that will ever know this would be the doctors not to myself I do believe it I've have had back surgery in my last surgery was really great I can walk now but I don't overdo it I do not want to go through it anymore I'm 63 years old now and thank God I found a good surgeon down here in Maryland God bless you all thank you for making this about Bruce Lee's life loveE of7993Pauls Dr. Glen Burnie Maryland21060 also it was a shame what happened to his son. I feel his son was killed during that making of that movie someone loaded one of them guns with a real bullet we know how Hollywood can be.

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