Kung Fu Master Fights Xu Xiaodong For 30 Million - MMA vs Kung Fu
Kung Fu Master Tian Ye finally fought against famous MMA chinese figther Xu Xiadong, also known as Mad Dog. This match took place in January 2019 in China under kickboxing rules so there was no ground...
Top 7 Wing Chun Real Fights
So, have you ever wondered how Wing Chun would look like if applied to real street fights If your answer is yes, you are in the right place. Hence, here you go with a compilation of some of the greate...
Wing Chun in MMA: the Singapore Match
Li Zihao brings Wing Chun Inside the Cage
Teenager's extraordinary experience at Shaolin Temple
Have you ever wondered how would you live and train at the Shaolin Temple, living in first person the extraordinary experience at Shaolin Temple The Shaolin monks are worldwide famous for undergoing l...
Shannon Lee: Shut Up About My Father
Tarantino: I Depicted Bruce just as Arrogant as He Was
Wing Chun vs Kickboxing: Wing Chun wins
That's pretty awesome
Russia's real life Fight Club
Have you ever seen the famous film Fight Club starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. Good chances are that you have at least heard about it. That film became really famous and, apart from having a conv...
Wing Chun vs Muay Thai impressive match
Welcome back to another of our versus videos series. This time we are back with a new Wing Chun vs Muay Thai match Indeed, it is sort of a short fight, but very intense too. As you can see, the Wing C...
Wing Chun MMA fight in cage
Indeed, it surely is a somehow strange fight. A Wing Chun MMA fight in a cage between two guys in Thailand. The one that practices Wing Chun is the orange shirt guy. Theres really not too much to anal...
Ip Man vs British epic fight scene
This scene, Ip Man vs British, is from the 2011 film Ip Man The legend is born. have you ever seen this film If not, heres the trailer
Wing Chun vs Pencak Silat MMA Fight
Both Wing Chun and Pencak Silat have been used by warriors in various parts of the world, and both have their own unique styles and characteristics
Ip Man 4 is finally available
Without a doubt, many think of Ip Man 4 as the last of the Ip Man film series. But nobodys sure if it might be Donnie Yens last Ip Man film. Of course, we hope it is not
SWAT trains Wing Chun with Lo Man Kam
Have you ever heard of him Lo Man KamThe name isnt as famous as Yip Mans, but if you were ever curious about Wing Chuns history and origins, you surely encountered this name. Hes nothing less than Yip...
Bruce Lee and the Master that he couldn't defeat
Not a very well known story
William Cheung and Eric Oram Wing Chun
William Cheung and Eric Oram have trained together for multiple years. In fact, Eric is Williams student. erics father sent him to train under Master Cheung in 1980.
Wing Chun demonstrated by Philipp Bayer
Similarly to other martial arts, also Wing Chun divided itself in many lineages. As always, this is due also to the fact that Founders and Masters die, and their students take over. Thats the natural...
Tony Jaa does a 12 feet Tall Kick | A MUST WATCH!
So, what else to say. 12 feet is really high for a person who is 5.6 feet 1.72 m.As always it requires a lot of training and determination. Great success always starts with a longh path and some failu...
Ong Bak - Slave Market Scene
Ong Bak is one of those films that leaves you with the idea of Iwish I could do that. As always, success starts with a lot of practice. Even the main character of this famous trilogy had to train a l...
Tony Jaa shows his abilities on Everyday Objects
Tony Jaa, almost everybody knows him nowadays as an incredible athlete. He is a thai martial artist, actor, action choreographer, stuntman, director and a Buddhist Monk. Tony was born and raised in...
New Kung Fu and Karate Fails
A fresh New Kung Fu and Karate Fails compilation. Ready for you to have some laugh on common mistakes.
The Controversial Fight | Emin Boztepe vs William Cheung
Wing Chun Vs Karate: Full Contact Match
Wing Chun Vs Boxing: Real Fight
History of Wing Chun Kung Fu
Wing Chun VS Karate: Brutal KO
Wing Chun (Canada) Vs Wing Chun (Vietnam)
Brutal KO by Wing Chun fighter Josh Kaldani
36,000 Kids You Don't Want to Mess With
The MMA Fighter Who Exposes Fake Martial Artists
Wing Chun Vs MMA - Xu Xiao Dong (MMA) vs Ding Hao (Wing Chun)
DK Yoo teaches combat system to Korean Special Forces
Kung Fu vs Karate | The Best Real Fights Compilation
Wing Chun Vs Karate | Bare Knuckle Fight
Nobody can Beat these Shaolin Masters
Wing Chun athlete vs Kick Boxer
Tai Chi Vs MMA: The Fight Everyone is Talking About
Kung Fu Warrior Impress Judges with Crazy skills on Spains Got Talent
Kung Fu in UFC | Must Watch
Judo Skills Stop the Threat
Real Life Superheroes Caught On Camera Saving People
Ryusei Imai -The New Mini Bruce Lee
MMA Fighter Battles Two Revellers at Once
MMA Saves Man's Life in a Street Fight
Kung Fu Girl Vs Angry Customers
One Armed Boxer vs Wing Chun Master
98 Year Old Wing Chun Grandmaster Ip Chun
20 Kung Fu Stars ★ Then and Now
The interview that made Bruce Lee famous
Ip Man Pictures that You Have Never Seen
Wing Chun Vs Muay Thai
Bruce Lee: a life taken too soon
When Referees Lose Their Cool
A look inside Jet Li's house
Wing Chun Vs Karate - Hard core full contact
Referees Vs Fighters
Donnie Yen Promotes Wing Chun in China (CCTV)
The Karate Kid Cast: Then and Now (11 Years After)
New Bruce Lee bio debunks myths about the 'kung fu Jesus'
Is the Ip Man Story Real?
Why did Ip Man Stop Teaching Bruce Lee?
Donnie Yen and Keanu Reeves together in JW4?
Donnie Yen leaves the set of John Wick 4