Ip Man 3 - Performance by Wing Chun Penang
Wing Chun in Lille - France
Ving Tsun Kung Fu Aassociation Europe France, WING CHUN LILLE.Wong Shun LeungPhilipp Bayer Ving Tsun Kung Fu.
"Wing Chun" - a documentary
Wing Chun a documentary sponsored by Shui On Land. The film shows how we can use Wing Chun and its philosophy to improve our daily life, as well as investigating its claims to be scientifically based...
Sifu Philipp Bayer in Tenerife (2014)
Wing Chun very fast KO
Wing Chun vs Capoeira
Another versus video. Please remember that we dont believe in the supremacy of one martial art over others. Its simply to show some fight situations that involves different martial skills.
World Wing Chun cup 2015 - free fight
World Wing Chun Cup 2015 was held within IX Martial Arts Olympics EastWest in April 2426, 2015 at St Petersburg, Russia.
Wing Chun Vs Pencak Silat in Saigon (2009)
A national champion of Pencak Silat came to Saigon to have a friendly exchange with Pierre Francois Flores after his defeat with master Tuan. Due to the rumors around this fight in Hanoi of cheating b...
Kung Fu in UFC fights
This clip showssome kung fu techniques in UFC fights. What do you think about usingthese fighting systemsin UFC fights
Wing Chun Vs MMA
We are sorry for this Wing Chun fighter but ... this is life, right Sometimes we win and sometimes we loose.What do you think about
Wing Chun Vs Boxing: Real Fight
This is what Wing Chun looks like when applied Effectively. Bravo to the Wing Chun guy
Wing Chun Vs Muay Tai
In this article we want to show you another cool fight that involves Wing Chun and Muay Tai fighters. We also want to remember to all our readers that we dont believe in one martial art supremacy. Our...
Wing Chun Vs Karate: Full Contact Match
One of the Fiercest Wing Chun practitioners so far. He knows his Thing on the Ground too
Ip Ching breaks a wooden dummy
In this clip Grandmaster Ip Ching breaks a wooden dummy showing the fist section of the form during a seminar in Chicago 1995. In the video was present also Samuel Kwok and Ip Chun.After broke the dum...
The Controversial Fight | Emin Boztepe vs William Cheung
When two Wing Chun Masters Fight For Real
Sergio Iadarola: Discover the Wing Chun Treasures
Sergio Iadarola release a new video for celebrate4th birthday of his youtube channel. Please remember to leave your comment just below the video box. Thank you
Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun 1st Generations students
Compilation of Wong Shun Leung 1st generation of students.
The legacy of Ip Man
In this minidocumentary, a seven minute cut of the original 36 minute presentation of WING CHUN the Legacy of Ip Man which appears on the Australasian DVD release of Grandmaster Ip Man aka Ip Man on t...
Wing Tai: new martial arts trend?
What do you think about Please leave your comment
St.Petersburg Wing Chun Championship
History of Wing Chun Kung Fu
Wing Chun VS Karate: Brutal KO
Wing Chun (Canada) Vs Wing Chun (Vietnam)
Brutal KO by Wing Chun fighter Josh Kaldani
36,000 Kids You Don't Want to Mess With
The MMA Fighter Who Exposes Fake Martial Artists
Wing Chun Vs MMA - Xu Xiao Dong (MMA) vs Ding Hao (Wing Chun)
DK Yoo teaches combat system to Korean Special Forces
Bruce Lee and the Master that he couldn't defeat
Wing Chun vs Kickboxing: Wing Chun wins
Shannon Lee: Shut Up About My Father
Wing Chun in MMA: the Singapore Match
Kung Fu vs Karate | The Best Real Fights Compilation
Wing Chun Vs Karate | Bare Knuckle Fight
Nobody can Beat these Shaolin Masters
Wing Chun athlete vs Kick Boxer
Tai Chi Vs MMA: The Fight Everyone is Talking About
Kung Fu Warrior Impress Judges with Crazy skills on Spains Got Talent
Kung Fu in UFC | Must Watch
Judo Skills Stop the Threat
Real Life Superheroes Caught On Camera Saving People
Ryusei Imai -The New Mini Bruce Lee
MMA Fighter Battles Two Revellers at Once
MMA Saves Man's Life in a Street Fight
Kung Fu Girl Vs Angry Customers
One Armed Boxer vs Wing Chun Master
98 Year Old Wing Chun Grandmaster Ip Chun
20 Kung Fu Stars ★ Then and Now
The interview that made Bruce Lee famous
Ip Man Pictures that You Have Never Seen
Wing Chun Vs Muay Thai
Bruce Lee: a life taken too soon
When Referees Lose Their Cool
A look inside Jet Li's house
Wing Chun Vs Karate - Hard core full contact
Referees Vs Fighters
Donnie Yen Promotes Wing Chun in China (CCTV)
The Karate Kid Cast: Then and Now (11 Years After)
New Bruce Lee bio debunks myths about the 'kung fu Jesus'
Is the Ip Man Story Real?
Why did Ip Man Stop Teaching Bruce Lee?
Donnie Yen and Keanu Reeves together in JW4?
Donnie Yen leaves the set of John Wick 4