Wing Chun vs MMA - Qi La La VS Katsuaki

Reading time: 2 minutes

On top of our most beloved content we surely must put our Versus Series, especially when the fight or match concerns Wing Chun vs MMA or other martial arts.

This video was uploaded by Fight Commentary Breakdowns, a YT channel with some thoughtful and funny commentary on behalf of martial arts and fights in general.

Wing Chun vs MMA

This topic surely is as interesting as it is old: apart from extreme opinions that see Wing Chun as the ultimate weapon or, on the contrary, as a completely useless martial art only good to train your joints, there surely must be a more trustworthy ground somewhere in between, right?
It is a widespread belief that somehow the concept of traditional martial arts is detached from the surrounding reality, especially when compared to combat sports like MMA.
Wing Chun is actually an old chinese boxing style, much less complicated than many would think. As Wong Shun Leung said, he himself went from boxing to Wing Chun since it had less techniques and was very effective.
You will be surely interested in this Wong Shun Leung's video where he talks specifically about this subject - Wing Chun vs Boxing.

Bruce Lee and the Master that he couldn't defeat

If you are interested in more MMA vs martial arts articles or, how many traditional martial arts find their practical use also in MMA, check out our other videos right here.
Did you know that Wing Chun techniques are widely used by MMA stars like Anderson Silva? You may be surprised to discover ho similar it is to actual boxing.


Molly Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, what a clash of titan tecnhiques! Qi La La's Wing Chun precision versus Katsuaki's raw MMA power! One to be remembered! #GlovesOff.
Charlie Booker
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, Qi La La showed off some mean moves! 🥊 MMA better recognise, Wing Chun's got style AND substance - Katsuaki, next time dodge that uppercut! 😆 #couldntevenblockbro
Tommy Scribbler
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Love a good martial arts tussle! Wing Chun's precision, vs MMA's brutal versatility - pure eye candy. Go, Qi La La! Might wanto teach Katsuaki a thing or two, eh? 😉
Tommy Scribbler
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Amazing face-off, fellas! Wing Chung's precision versus MMA's versatility. Qi La La's control gave Katuaki a run for his money! 👊😆 #FlyingPunchesAndSushiRolls
Benjamin Hodge
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Woah, that Qi La La's Wing Chun was on fire 👏 Still, Katsuaki's MMA technqiues were no joke, eh? Made for quite a thrilling match! #BestOfBothWorlds 🌎🔥

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