10,000 Wing Chun Practitioners set a new World Record

Reading time: 2 minutes

Exactly 10.021 students participated in the largest Wing Chun display, establishing a new Wing Chun world record.

Students of the Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation in Chengdu, Sichuan (China) established this record on January 8, 2015.

Wing Chun World Record

All the students of the College (20.000) take weekly Wing Chun lessons as a mandatory part of their school program. Wing Chun classes replaced the old Taekwondo ones as part of the school's counter-terrorism training.

Wing Chun is a self-defense martial art designed especially for short-range spaces. So, for this reason, its engagement in extremely small and crowded spaces as the interior of a plane was thought of as more appropriate.

The students were taught by the Chongquing Wing Chun Association, headed by the already well-known Tu Tengyao. Tu says to be a descendant of Yip Man, also known in China as Ye Wen.

Therefore his school and his very direct style would be a truthful representation of Master Yip Man Wing Chun.
We have already talked a lot about Tu, his achievements, and his style, so if you're curious to know more, you can learn more in the article below.

Tu Tengyao - a True Wing Chun Master

Read the original Guinness World Record article right here.


Molly Laughter
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Oh, boy! 10,000 Wing Chun whizzes wowing the world? That's more hands flying than in a magician's convention. Guess, Bruce Lee's legacy indeed strikes a 'punch'! Use caution, we've got the 'chop'!
Billy Craddock
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, now that's a sight! 10,000 folks punching the air togetherr like they're conducting some sort of Kung Fu symphony! Must be quite the 'hit'. More power to you guys! Bet Bruce Lee would be proud today!
Tommy Fitzgerald
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, 10,000 Wing Chun Practitioners? That's just crazily amazing! Each one surely packs a mean punch lol. Congrats on the record, guys!
Benjamin Frost
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Jaw-dropping stuff! Guess these 10K Wing Chun enthusiasts didn't 'wing' it after all! New world record or not, their passion packs quite a punch!
Bobby Laughter
2023-07-27 20:00:00
WOW! 10,000 Wing Chun masters, that's insane! Glad to see everyone's kung "fu"n spirit! It's like a real-life Kung Fu Panda scene but multiplied by 10,000! 🐼🥋

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