MMA VS Wing Chun - Xu Xiadong aka "Mad Dog" did it again!

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MMA VS Wing Chun

MMA VS Wing Chun...
This one is a widely discussed topic from the dawn of time, with heated opinions about any aspect possible: for some people, MMA demonstrates well the inefficiency not only of Wing Chun but of all traditional martial arts. Others instead point fingers at Xu Xiaodong's brutality (apparently)... we could go on listing opinions and arguments for hours.

Let's get straight to the point: is it really about martial arts? OR, is it about the athletes/ masters/ practitioners?
It's too easy to generalize and keep repeating that Wing Chun is not as efficient as Mixed Martial Arts. What kind of Wing Chun?
You see, Wing Chun has many lineages and many approaches to combat. This is mainly due to the fast-growing spread of Wing Chun schools all around the world after Ip Man's and other oldest students' death.
Unfortunately, the big part of Wing Chun nowadays is closed in its bubble, with self-proclaimed Masters who can get beaten up easily.

A new objective point of view

We've just written an article talking specifically about this problem in the Wing Chun community:
In-depth Study of Wing Chun VS other Martial Arts
If you're somehow interested to discover more about this topic and going beyond what you already know, this is a good one.



Bob Chuckleton
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Well, ol' Mad Dog is at it again, shaking the martial arts world! Proof that MMA just packs a punch! Chun, who? Anyone got a Wing Chun manual for a confused ol' dog like me? 😂
Molly Harrison
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Hats off to "Mad Dog" Xu, redefining fighting tactics! Remember, however, MMA & Wing Chun are different beasts - not better, just unique! P.S. He's 'Mad Dog' not 'Mad Frog', right? 😂🐾🥊
Oliver Twistleton
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Looks like "Mad Dog" is at it again, huh? Give him a biscuit! Now, if we could get him in the ring with a cartoon panda doing Wing Chun, that would be a match! 😂
Samuel Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Well, "Mad Dog" Xu sure shook up the ring again! Guess MMA and Wing Chun aren't so far apart after all. Always a knockout time when he steps in! 😂👊
Benjamin Sparks
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Mad Dog strikes again! 🐕🥊 He's basically the Chuck Norris of MMA. Sorry Wing Chun fam, guess this round was more of a 'Dog fight'. LOL! 😂 Better luck next time!

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