Jackie Chan talks about Working with Bruce Lee and his most Harrowing Film Stunts

Reading time: 3 minutes

Hello there, welcome back!
If you're here, you've probably grown up gazing at the screen while Jackie was on doing his crazy martial arts stuff. Jackie has been in the cinema world his entire life and he managed to develop an amazing career for himself. But, just like every world-known star, Jackie too had to work hard for his success!
In fact, the stories from the "Jackie Chan about Bruce Lee" series, told by Jackie, are simply hilarious!

This video was published by Good Morning America on their official YouTube Channel.

Jackie Chan about Bruce Lee

Jackie starts off the interview by remembering the times when he used to work on the set with Bruce Lee.
Even though he doesn't specify it, I'm pretty sure the movie that Jackie is talking about, where he met Bruce, is Enter the Dragon.

When talking about working together, Jackie humbly says that at that time, he used to be at the beginning of his stunt-man career. Even though we know for a fact that Jackie was considered one of the best martial arts stuntmen in Asia, that's the reason why the set of the movie wanted him.

During the scenes, as a stunt-man, of course, Jackie got hit a lot. However what is hilarious is that he had such a huge respect for Bruce, that he wouldn't show him his pain, even when he was really suffering. When Bruce would come to him asking if everything was all right, if he didn't get hurt, Jackie would just say that everything is ok. As soon as Bruce would turn, however, he would go back to his suffering.

Jackie Chan's Dangerous Stunts

The interview then goes on to talk about some of the most dangerous stunts that Jackie has performed, to which Jackie just seems to agree proudly.
We have already done an article talking about some of the most insane stunts and scenes that Jackie has ever made and recorded, including those where he has almost seen the light. If you'd like to know more about it, be sure to don't miss it!



Megan Sullivan
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Amazing read! Can't belive the adventures these legends have faced. Watching them always gives me a combo of amusemen, respect & mini heart attacks.
Charlie Sparks
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, reading about Jackie's adventures with Bruce sure was a blast! Can't even imagine the nerves of steel it takes to dish out those stunts. #Legends!
Claire Huxtable
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Chan and Lee, the power duo! Puts all buddy-cop movies to shame. Jacky's stnuts, phew, life-risking and rib-cracking funny! Absolute legends! 👏👏
Tommy Jennings
2023-07-27 20:00:00
No way folks! Jackie takling about Bruce Lee and crazy stunts? Count me in! Can't imagine the broken bones and black eyes this duo would've had! 🤕😂
Bob Laughterlin
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee? That's the definition of legendary! The stunts these two pulled off could give a cat a heart attack. 😆🐈💓

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