The Power of Wing Chun | Beating the Backfist (Ep 5)

Reading time: 1 minute

THE POWER OF WING CHUN | Episode 5 â–¶ Simon Wong shows you how to defend yourself against a spinning backfist.

As your opponent swings their fist to your head, step in with your whole body and stop their arm with a 'fook sau'. The shock of this movement will upset their balance, allowing you to quickly follow-up with a 'cut down and punch'. CHAPTERS 00:38 Fook Sau, Cut Down and Punch 01:07 Technique Tips 01:42 Countering a Spinning Elbow 01:53 Technique Tips CREDITS Performed by Simon Wong with Ardi Eslami. Directed by Tristan Fung.


Bobby Laughter
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Nice work on the video! Your Wing Chun is really slapping... oh, I mean, 'backfisting' those myths down; talk about power!
Bob Funnybone
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, this really shed some light on handling backfist strikes! Learning Wing Chun was never so entertaining before. Keep it up!
Zoe Fitzgerald
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, that backfist technique got me back in my step! Keep these Wing Chun videos coming, they're punch-drunk love, LOL! #MartialArtsFanatic
Billy Tompkins
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Outstanding video! Got my fists and funnybone working! Who knew pack-a-punching and chuckling away could combo so smoothly? Go Wing Chun! 😂👊
Bob Wonderman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, this episode was a game-changer! Never knew Wing Chun could be so powerful. Wait, do I need to defeat a backfist or befriend it? 😅🥊

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