Wing Chun on Airlines

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Wing Chun on Airlines

While having Wing Chun flight attendants might seem like a great idea, Hong Kong executives make no secret that this is mainly a publicity effort for the company. And that's how the whole idea of having Wing Chun on Airlines was born.
In fact, they are convinced that it is a double-win situation: on one hand, the company employee retention should grow by 30%, and on the other hand - what better martial art for small spaces such as jets or airplanes?
It must be said that in fact Wing Chun when trained properly, is perfect for close contact situations. Even for just basic self-defense.
According to the airline college, Wing Chun is "quite suitable to be practiced in narrow and confined spaces" so it's perfect for the aircrew.

Tu Tengyao

The master commissioned for this important training is Tu Tengyao, a famous Wing Chun master in China. The Southwest Airline College signed a contract with Tu Tengyao to turn flight attendants into mini Bruce Lees.

Tu Tengyao

Tu Tengyao expressed his stance on this subject by saying:

"The Thread of terrorism is increasing and so personnel must really be equipped to deal with life and death situations thousands of feet up in the air."

All the members of the Aircrew must undergo a 6-hours program of Wing Chun basics and self-defense before being habilitated to work in the air.

What can one learn in six hours of Wing Chun you ask?
Well, good question and for sure you're not going to become a master or an advanced student.
However, a little piece of self-defense and having at least an idea of what not to do in harsh situations isn't bad. So for sure, it's not useless.

What do you think of having Wing Chun on Airlines?

If you'd like to know more about Tu Tengyao, feel free to check out his Instagram where he posts his training and school.


2017-01-19 16:52:02
it's amazing to see wing chun in airlines. really great.
David Saucier
2022-10-12 20:28:50
I would like to train under Master Tu Tangyao1
Charlie Brooks
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, Wing Chun at 30,000 feet - quite a spin on 'in-flight entertainment'! Bruce Lee would be thrilled but my kneecaps are squeaking already!
Molly Jennings
2023-07-27 20:00:00
OMG! Now, Wing Chun at 35,000 feet! Haha! Bruce Lee would be proud. Just, be careful of elbowing your seat neighbor!
Joe Laughterman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Well, considering my last in-flight meal, I'd say airlines could use more Wing Chun... maybe then, they'd deliver knockout food!
Benjamin Sparks
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wehat a high-flying read! Makes me picture Bruce Lee serving snacks on a flight whilst performing the Wing Chun on a roller cart, quite a scene!!
Fredrick Benson
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Ohoy! Nothing beats that high-flying Wing Chun kick, even at 35,000 feet! Pilots, beware! We might just Kung Fu you into landing the plane! 🤣✈️🥋

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