Wing Chun Core Concepts

Reading time: 1 minute

In this small documentary the China Global Television Network (CGTN) gives a good presentation of Wing Chun Kung Fu trying to explain the basic principles that stands behind our beloved Martial Art. Some explanations reported in the video probably doesn't match perfectly with all Wing Chun lineages, we know it, but I think that it's a good and fair introduction.

Core aspects

Wing Chun, as many others Kung Fu styles, has its own core principles like the center line usage and the simultaneous use of both arms but, due to the development of different lineages, many times we could have hard discussions about the movements meaning and principles involved in the training. This is an underrated and unknown aspect that could affect beginners approaching to Wing Chun.


Tommy Jenkins
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow! Talking bout 'Wing Chun', I tried a few movs myself and almost kicked my own bucket! Haha. Seriously though, your explanation is on point! Good work!
Benjamin Sparks
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Really loved your post on Wing Chun! Had some Bruce Lee flashes back there. The concepts you explained are truly powerful. Helps to keep the balance, not just in martial art, but in life too! Keep 'em flying punches coming! 😂👊
Fredrick Lively
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, this blog post is punchier than a Wing Chun combo! Loved the clear explanations on the core concepts, though a few more action shots wouldn't hurt!
Sophie Hartman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Whoa! Talk about the perks of Wing Chun! This read really ‘kicks’ it up a notch. PS: 'punch' line intended; hope it ‘strikes’ the humor chord!
Benjamin Swift
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Really enlightening stuff! Always thought Wing Chun was just about lightning fast punches, but it's all about balance and flow, huh? A little typo there, you wrote "fighing" instead of "fighting"!

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