RYUSEI IMAI. What happened to Baby Bruce Lee?

Reading time: 4 minutes

Ryusei Imai or Baby Bruce Lee? You have definitely seen the videos with him or at least heard about him before.

This video was published by True Power on their official YouTube Channel. Don't forget to check them out!
The following video is a transcript of the video above.

Some time ago he seemed to be one of the most famous kids in the world. His workouts with his father, appearances on tv shows, meetings with stars, and how he imitated Bruce Lee... all these videos did not leave people indifferent. Many people were sure that years later Ryusei would become a real sport or a movie star. Others doubt that after a while he would get tired of the sport and he would give up training. But after a couple of years, there is no news about Baby Bruce Lee. No new videos or content at all. In his Instagram profile only old pictures. We do not see how he looks now and whether he continues to train. Well, let's try to figure it out today.

Since he was very young, Ryusei has been training for two or more hours every day. Every morning before school he runs several kilometers with his father and then did push-ups, and trains his abs. After the session, he performed many difficult exercises worked out the technique of punches, and memorized the movements of bruce lee films to repeat them after the idol. He moved exactly like Bruce, used nunchucks just so skillfully even screamed just like the legendary fighter. But this show reset became famous all over the world. Ryusei became more and more famous, filming regular appearances and tv shows, advertising contracts, and trips to different countries little Ryusei lived in a difficult shadow while he had to continue to train and find some time to study.

However, there is information that after a while the relationships between Ryusei's parents became not so good. The father could not see his son and train him as before he even thought about deleting his own social media profiles because he could not continue to make content for it, but he didn't. Because the story of Ryusei and his training motivated millions of people around the world. now Ryusei is 11 years old, he lives with his mother and continues his studies. But the story of his incredible fame seems to be over. Maybe it's only at this moment, but now there are not even new pictures of Ryusei on the internet, and even fewer videos of his training if, of course, he continues to train.

We also know about the rumors that his mother is against the boy's carrier at such early age, and does not let journalists communicate with him and invite him to shootings. This is a really difficult situation and the only thing that we can do is watch from the sideline. Surely, many people would like to continue to watch Ryusei's training to watch his new tricks and how he changed over the years. On the other hand, fame and popularity represent significant stress, especially for a young boy. Perhaps, one day we will see him on our screens, or maybe his story of fame is over forever. But now, you know what happened to the little talent of Ryusei Imai in recent years.


Sammy Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
He's still kicking and punching harder than my morning coffee! Can't wait for the nest update on our mini martial artist! 😄🥋"
Tommy Laughlin
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, I rememebr seeing his videos as a kiddo! That kid had more punch in his pinky than I in my whole body. How's he doing now? Still kicking and punching?"
Maxwell Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, this article on Ryusei Imai (aka Baby Bruce Lee) burst my curiosity bubble!! 🤩 Hope he's doing loads of kickalicious karate!">#😂"
Billy Thompson
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Man, I was wondering the same thing! Guess even pint-sized power-houses need their chill time. Though, Ryusei swooshing around in his jammies, kicking cereal boxes might still be more action than my exercise routine! 😅
Liam O'Sullivan
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wait, Baby Bruce Lee took a sabbatical to enter the Toddler Terminator Talent Show?! Nah, just kidding! 😂 Keep the updates rolling! Love his dragon kick!🥋🐉

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