Grandmaster Sifu Klaus Brand - International Academy of Wing Chun

Reading time: 1 minute

To start we went back to 2010 and, oh my, look what we have found. Most noteworthy of our attention was of course Grandmaster Sifu Klaus Brand - International Academy of Wing Chun.  

  Since he is grandmaster for some, it would be offensive trying to explain what's happening in this video. Who better could explain them if not himself. So, if you are really into what you have just seen...why don't check his school? He has a Kung Fu Academy. So give it a try.


Oliver Twistleton
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, Grandmaster Sifu Klaus Brand's Wing Chun training truly kick-started my day! His tehniques were fluid & precise - you can't beat this knockout academy!
Samuel Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Grate read! Sifu Klaus Brand's take on Wing Chun is so insightful - making me feel like a karate kid in my living room! Keep these articles punchy!
Oliver Bennett
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Great insight into Grandmater Sifu Klaus Brand's practices! Love the Wing Chun techniques. He's certainly a beacon in the martial arts world! Or need I say, a 'beakon'? ;)
Sally Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
'Wow, Sifu Klaus Brand is slaying in the art of Wing Chun! Amazing stuff, kinda makes me wanna enroll. But bet even my shadow could throw better punches! 🥊😁"
Molly Brightman
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, Grandamster Sifu Klaus Brand really pcks a punch! His techniques are as sharp as a tack - they're like kung-fu poetry in motion! Keep it up, Master!

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