DK Yoo vs Master Wong | Systema vs Wing Chun

Reading time: 6 minutes

We've got a great matchup for you today. We'll be comparing two popular Youtube martial arts stars: DK Yoo and Master Wong. Both are well-known in the martial arts vlogging community, so it will be interesting to see how they measure up against one another. Watch the entire video and find out who comes out on top!

This is your opportunity to become acquainted with Dk Yoo and Master Wong if you have not been introduced to them already. To start, let's focus on DK Yoo.

DK Yoo

The talented and good-looking DK Yoo is an online celebrity with 568 thousand subscribers and nearly a thousand videos on his martial arts Youtube channel that feature his own DK Yoo philosophy and system, the Warfare Combat System. He has studied many styles of martial arts, such as Kung Fu, Wushu, Judo, and Karate. Furthermore, he has trained in track and field, which is evident in his many videos. He is indeed a jack of all trades when it comes to athleticism.

According to DK Yoo, the key factor in his comprehensive training was the fact that he was mentored by a specialist in each martial art he encountered. This enabled him to comprehend the fundamentals of each art and understand their strengths and weaknesses, which encouraged him to construct his own form of combat, the Warfare Combat System (WCS).

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DK Yoo's love for martial arts was spurred by being inspired by a multitude of people from different backgrounds, such as dancers, painters, and martial artists. But, he has the highest regard for General Yu Dayou from China's Ming Dynasty. Not only was he a martial artist, but also a soldier, strategist, inventor, engineer, mathematician, and poet. This is why DK Yoo has such admiration for this man, as he was so many things.

As per the teachings of General Yu Dayou, DK Yoo has adopted the same philosophy and believes that if one can comprehend the principles of enlightenment, it can lead to further success in other aspects of life. Through his experience in martial arts, DK Yoo was involved in the making of two Korean films as an acting supervisor. He was part of the action planning team for 2014's Target, in addition to training Ryu Seung Ryong for his role in the movie. He also provided training to Korean actor Gong Too for the 2013 movie The Suspect.

Master Wong

DK Yoo and Master Wong both have successful Youtube channels, however, Wong has a notably larger following with 2.8 million subscribers and 2500 videos. He is famously known as one of the most renowned martial artists to be found on the platform. His journey with martial arts began on February 12th, 1972, after years of being bullied in school. He decided to take up martial arts as a way to protect himself against the mean people.

Realizing there was much more to explore in the world of martial arts, Wong soon developed a great love for it. He began his training with a Chinese Master in the UK, but decided that he would gain even greater knowledge if he went to Hong Kong. And so, Wong took the plunge and did just that.

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When Wong was in his early twenties, he put a lot of effort into studying multiple Chinese martial arts forms from various Masters. Subsequently, in 1992, he founded the Wan Academy in England, which was situated behind his takeaway shop. It became quickly popular, due to the high demand for martial arts classes in the region. Furthermore, he would often travel to China to keep on training and perfecting his martial arts abilities. Wong has additionally created several martial arts training DVDs so that people can learn from home. Additionally, he has served as a motion capture specialist in many movies and television programs.

DK Yoo vs Master Wong

Now that we are familiar with our combatants, let's get to the core of the issue and step into the ring. As usual, we will assess the fighters by four major criteria in order to decide the victor. These criteria are:

  • Fighting Pedigree
  • Physique
  • Skill
  • Improvisation

We will be giving out a total of 10 points for each category and the combatant with the most points overall will be declared the victor. Alright, let's start.

Fighting Pedigree

When it comes to martial arts, both DK Yoo and Master Wong appear to be fairly skilled. Their videos show that they have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, and have obviously gone through extensive training in their respective styles. DK Yoo has his own system, the Warfare Combat System, and Master Wong specializes in Wing Chun Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do. However, Master Wong appears to be the more experienced combatant of the two. His background story explains why. We will award 8 points to Master Wong, and 6 points to DK Yoo.


Though details on the heights and weights of both DK Yoo and Master Wong are scarce, it is clear that DK Yoo is taller while Master Wong appears to be more toned. Despite this, both competitors are in top shape and it can be said that they both tie with 7 points.


When studying the martial arts capabilities of both DK Yoo and Master Wong, it is difficult to prefer anyone other than Wong. To truly assess the difference, one must observe them executing their stunts, from which it is evident that Wong holds the higher level of skill. Thus, Master Wong has earned 8 points, with Yoo in second place with 7.


It is quite difficult to determine who would have the advantage in a real-life fight between these two men. They both possess a wide range of martial arts experience, so we can anticipate their familiarity with hand-to-hand combat, as well as their ability to think strategically. Therefore, it is fair to declare a tie in this category, awarding both fighters a 7-point rating.

Master Wong has emerged victorious with a total of 30 points to his opponent's 27. What do you think of this outcome? We believe his fighting experience was a deciding factor.

Brutal Tv has put up the video we are discussing on their official YouTube Channel. Make sure you go and take a look!


Oliver Twist
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Well, if it was a donut eating contest, DK would win hands down! But in a fight...tough call. Let's see them showdown in a real almond! 🍩 🥊
Timothy Jenkins
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Hmm... DK Yoo with his smooth Systema moves or Master Wong's swift Wing Chun? Always tough to cchoose. LOL! But I gotta lean towards DK this time. Keep up the good fght guys!
Harold Simpson
2023-07-27 20:00:00
While DK Yoo sweeps the floor with Systema, Master Wong's Wing Chun is nothing to sneeze at either! Dangle me from a cactus if I don't enjoy these martial arts showdowns! 🌵👊💥
Maxwell Spencer
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Thoroughly enjyed the face-off between DK Yoo and Master Wong! The epic showdown of Systema vs Wing Chun was a sight to behold! But, who ate the popcorn I left? 🍿😂
Oliver Twistleton
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Oh boy, the epic showdown between DK Yoo's Systema & Master Wong's Wing Chun! Wong's moves are swift as lightning, but Yoo's fluidity though - it's lit!😂👏 Can't wait for round two!

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