10 Wing Chun Techniques for Self-Defense

Reading time: 5 minutes

Wing Chun is a style of martial arts that was developed in southern China during the 18th century. It is a practical, efficient, and effective form of self-defense that emphasizes close-range combat, trapping, and striking. In this article, we will discuss 10 Wing Chun techniques for self-defense that can help you stay safe and protect yourself in dangerous situations.

Tan Sau (Palm Upward Block)

Tan Sau is a basic technique in Wing Chun that involves using the palm of your hand to deflect an incoming attack. This technique is used to protect your body and deflect an attack away from your centerline. To perform a Tan Sau, simply raise your arm and turn your palm upward to deflect an incoming strike.

Bong Sau (Wing Arm Block)

Bong Sau is another basic Wing Chun technique that is used to deflect attacks. It involves using the back of your arm to deflect an incoming attack away from your centerline. To perform a Bong Sau, simply lift your elbow and turn your forearm outward to deflect an incoming strike.

Pak Sau (Slapping Hand)

Pak Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to deflect and strike at the same time. It involves using the palm of your hand to deflect an incoming attack, and then immediately striking your opponent with your other hand. To perform a Pak Sau, simply deflect an incoming strike with one hand, and then immediately strike your opponent with your other hand.

Fak Sau

Fak Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to control your opponent's arms. It involves using the back of your wrist to control your opponent's wrist, while simultaneously striking them with your other hand. To perform a Fak Sau, simply use the back of your wrist to control your opponent's wrist, and then strike them with your other hand.

Gan Sau (Low Tan Sau)

Gan Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to protect your lower body. It involves using the palm of your hand to deflect an incoming low strike, such as a kick. To perform a Gan Sau, simply turn your palm upward and deflect an incoming low strike away from your body.

Lap Sau (Grabbing Hand)

Lap Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to control your opponent's arms. It involves grabbing your opponent's arm and pulling it down, while simultaneously striking them with your other hand. To perform a Lap Sau, simply grab your opponent's arm and pull it down, while simultaneously striking them with your other hand.

Kau Sau (High Tan Sau)

Kau Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to protect your upper body. It involves using the palm of your hand to deflect an incoming high strike, such as a punch. To perform a Kau Sau, simply turn your palm upward and deflect an incoming high strike away from your body.

Jut Sau (Jerking Hand)

Jut Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to redirect an incoming attack. It involves using the palm of your hand to redirect an incoming attack away from your body. To perform a Jut Sau, simply use the palm of your hand to redirect an incoming attack away from your body.

Biu Sau (Darting Hand)

Biu Sau is a Wing Chun technique that is used to strike your opponent's vital points. It involves using your fingers to strike your opponent's eyes, throat, or other vulnerable areas. To perform a Biu Sau, simply use your fingers to strike your opponent's vital points.

Cheh Kuen (Straight Punch)

Cheh Kuen is a basic Wing Chun technique that is used to strike your opponent with your fist. It involves using your body weight to deliver a powerful punch to your opponent. Differently from other styles, Cheh Kuen loads from the bottom and goes to the top. The motion is driven by the elbow.


Billy Thompson
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Great read guys! Love these Wing Chun Techniques - handy for my next ninja mission! Just beware of typos on points 3 & 6. Keep it up!
Tommy Chuckles
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Love this article! As an avid Wing Chun enthusiast, these techniques are spot on. Gone are the days of feeling defenseless - Bruce Lee 2.0, here I come!"
Bobby Goodlaff
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, all those Kung Fu movies really undersold Wing Chun! Those 10 techniques are a real knockout punchline! Got a little wprked up reading about it, maybe because I'm weak to the punchline!
Molly Butterfield
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Wow, this blog gets me fired up to learn Wing Chun! Who needs a gym membership when you've got these techniques to keep you fitte! 😂 Great post!
Oliver Knightley
2023-07-27 20:00:00
Great tips, but watch out practicing those flying kicks folks! You don't want a quick self-defense lesson turning into a trip to the ER! 😂 Keep safe!

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